Substitutes for Asparagus: 9 Creative Ingredients to Try

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Are you looking for substitutes for asparagus? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

Asparagus is a delicious and healthy vegetable that is often used in recipes. But what do you do when it’s not available or you don’t like the flavor?

This blog post will discuss 9 creative substitutes for asparagus that you can use in your cooking. Let’s get started!

Process for Finding an Asparagus Substitute

Asparagus adds a delightful flavor and texture to many dishes, but several worthy substitutes exist if it’s out of season or you prefer an alternative.

Consider the purpose of the asparagus in your recipe and choose a replacement accordingly.

When looking for a substitute for asparagus, it is important to consider flavor and texture.

Asparagus has a mildly bitter, vegetal flavor and a firm yet tender snap.

Possible substitutes with a similar flavor profile include broccoli florets with an earthy, bitter taste, or green beans, which are also fresh and vegetal.

Regarding texture, you could use sliced zucchini or green peppers, which have a crisp-tender bite, especially when eaten raw.

Sautéing the substitute in garlic and olive oil, as you might asparagus, helps bring out its flavor and ensures it reaches the proper texture.

With these attributes in mind, you can feel confident about easily finding asparagus substitutes when the recipe calls for you to cook asparagus.


substitutes for asparagus

Broccoli is an excellent substitute for asparagus as it has a similar flavor profile and health benefits.

Broccoli has the same earthy, mildly bitter taste as asparagus and is also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Like asparagus, broccoli is very low in calories but filling. It is also inexpensive, widely available, and extremely versatile.

Broccoli can be roasted, steamed, or sauteed and pairs well with garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and parmesan cheese, just like asparagus.

Broccoli is a great option if you are looking for an alternative to asparagus that is healthy, affordable, and easy to prepare.

Green Beans

substitues for asparagus

Green beans make a perfect asparagus substitute as they share a similar shape and flavor profile.

Green beans have a crisp, fresh taste with vegetal and grassy notes similar to asparagus.

They have a satisfying crunch and pop when cooked al dente, much like asparagus when blanched or roasted.

In terms of preparation, green beans can be cooked in almost all the same ways as asparagus—steamed, blanched, roasted, or sautéed. 

When cooking green beans to replace asparagus in a recipe, you may need slightly more beans by volume as they are generally a bit larger in size, but they provide a comparable taste and texture for a fraction of the cost.

Overall, green beans are a very capable and budget-friendly stand-in for asparagus.

Green Peas

substitutes for asparagus

Green peas are an excellent alternative to asparagus for those looking for a healthier, lighter side dish.

Not only are they easy to find year-round and highly affordable, but they also provide a good protein and dietary fiber source.

Preparing green peas is incredibly simple, making them a quick and convenient choice when needing a delicious veggie side dish. 

Additionally, their flavor lends itself well to many other ingredients, so you can create recipes that the entire family will enjoy without relying on asparagus.

Whether blended into a soup or sautéed with some fresh herbs, peas make a delicious substitute for asparagus to please everyone’s palate.

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Green Peppers

Green peppers make great asparagus substitutes. With their crisp, bright flavor and firm yet tender texture, green peppers can mimic the taste and mouthfeel of asparagus.

They also have a similar shape, allowing them to be prepared and served similarly. Whether roasted, grilled, or sautéed, green bell peppers provide a vegetal flavor and snappy bite comparable to asparagus.

And since green peppers are more widely available and often less expensive than asparagus, they are a handy and affordable alternative when asparagus is out of season or hard to find.

With their versatility and similarity to asparagus, green peppers are a great stand-in.

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas make an excellent substitute for asparagus. They have a similar long, slender shape and crunchy texture as asparagus spears but with a naturally sweet flavor and edible pods.

Sugar Snap Peas are also very healthy, packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.

They require minimal prep and cooking, perfect for a quick side dish or addition to pasta, rice, stir-fries, or salad.

With a satisfying snap and taste, Sugar Snap Peas can provide the experience of asparagus in a new and delightful way.

They are a great option when asparagus is out of season, or you want to add variety to your meals.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts are another wonderful substitute for asparagus in many recipes and dishes.

Though often overlooked and underappreciated, Brussel sprouts have a mildly nutty flavor and crunchy-tender texture when cooked properly that pairs well with many of the same ingredients and flavors as asparagus. 

They are also highly nutritious and contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

When roasted, shaved thin in a slaw, or sautéed, Brussel sprouts can provide the same fresh pop of flavor and color to a dish as asparagus while adding an extra boost of nutrients.

If you’re looking to mix up your side dishes or want an alternative to asparagus, give Brussel sprouts a try.

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Zucchini makes a terrific asparagus substitute in many recipes. It has a mild flavor and tender-crisp texture similar to asparagus but with a slightly sweeter and nuttier flavor.

Zucchini is also more affordable and has a longer growing season, making it more widely available than asparagus.

Whether you roast, grill, or sauté zucchini, its versatile nature allows it to shine in place of asparagus in side dishes, main courses, and appetizers. 

With a little seasoning, zucchini can provide the same vegetal flavor and texture as asparagus in many dishes.

White Asparagus

White asparagus is an excellent substitute for green asparagus.

While green asparagus gets its characteristic color from exposure to sunlight during growth, white asparagus is harvested early before it reaches the surface, resulting in a pale color and tender texture.

White asparagus’s milder, more delicate flavor pairs nicely with light sauces and fresh herbs.

Its season is also slightly longer, allowing for availability beyond the spring harvest of traditional green asparagus.

Whether roasted, steamed, or grilled, white asparagus is a premium ingredient with an interesting variation on the familiar green spears.

Canned (or Jar) Asparagus

Substitutes for asparagus

Canned asparagus can be a convenient substitute for fresh green asparagus when fresh asparagus is out of season or unavailable.

While fresh asparagus has a delicate flavor and texture, canned asparagus retains much of the vegetable’s flavor and nutrients.

The canning process involves quickly blanching the asparagus to preserve its color and nutrients.

The result is an inexpensive product with a decent shelf life that can replace fresh asparagus in most recipes.

However, for dishes where fresh asparagus is a focal point, such as an asparagus salad or asparagus with lemon sauce, fresh asparagus is preferable due to its superior flavor and texture.

With a bit of added seasoning or sauce, canned asparagus can work as an acceptable substitute in a pinch.

Frozen Asparagus

Frozen asparagus is a convenient and tasty substitute for fresh green asparagus.

While fresh asparagus has a delicate flavor and texture prized by cooks, frozen asparagus is picked and flash-frozen at the peak of freshness, locking in nutrients and flavor.

The freezing process minimizes changes to color, texture, and flavor that can occur with fresh asparagus when stored for more than a few days.

When cooking, frozen asparagus can be steamed or roasted just like fresh, and it retains a bright green color and firm-tender texture.

For home cooks looking for an easy vegetable side or an ingredient in recipes, frozen asparagus is an affordable and flavorful option that can stand in for fresh when needed.

Summary of Substitutes for Asparagus

For cooks looking for a delicious asparagus substitute, there are several options to mix up the asparagus-based recipe. Whether you are looking to replace roasted asparagus or raw asparagus, plenty of green veggies or other vegetables are a great substitute.

Best Creative Substitutes for Asparagus

Markus Kampl
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • Broccoli
  • Green Beans
  • Green Peas
  • Green Peppers
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Zucchini
  • White Asparagus
  • Canned (Jar) Asparagus
  • Frozen Asparagus


  • Decide on the type of substitute for asparagus you need based on texture and flavor.
  • Pick the best fit from the above list of substitutes.
  • Add to the recipe the proportions required to match the flavor and texture of the asparagus.
Keyword Substitutes
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