The Best Substitute for Poppy Seeds for the Nutty and Crunchy Experience

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Are you looking for the best substitute for poppy seeds? Then this post will be perfect for you.

Poppy seeds add a little crunch and sweetness to dishes and are widely used in many recipes as they provide an interesting texture and nutty flavor.

However, finding the right substitution for poppy seeds can be tricky, as many alternatives exist.

We’ve narrowed our list to the best seven substitutes for poppy seeds that will bring an amazing flavor and aroma to your kitchen.

What Are Poppy Seeds?

Poppy seeds (white and black poppy seeds) come from the seed pod of the opium poppy and have been used in cooking for thousands of years.

They are small, slate blue seeds with a crunchy texture when eaten raw and a nutty flavor when roasted or toasted.

They’re popular ingredients in bagels, muffins, and bread due to their slightly sweet flavor profile.

White poppy seeds taste the same as their black counterpart, with the difference being cosmetic.

Of course, caution is required when using poppy seeds as excessive consumption can lead to an opiate high (especially in poppy seed tea), though that is rare within normal cooking quantities.

Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds have long been known for their health benefits and culinary uses.

Rich in dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats, poppy seeds can help promote heart health, reduce the risk of diabetes, keep the digestive system regular, and even aid in weight loss.

According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, nutrients found in poppy seed varieties, such as vitamin B1, zinc, manganese, and magnesium, may help protect bone health.

How to Store Poppy Seeds

The best way to store poppy seeds is to keep them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

This helps to prevent the delicate essential oils found in poppy seeds from degrading and keeps them as fresh as possible.

7 Substitutes for Poppy Seeds

Sesame Seeds

substitute for poppy seeds

Sesame Seeds are not only a popular flavor in Middle Eastern cooking, but they can be used as a great substitute for poppy seeds.

Black sesame seeds are often used in savory dishes such as hummus and falafel, which add a great nutty flavor to any recipe – from baking to salads.

Thanks to their small size and light color, sesame seeds easily blend into other ingredients, making them the perfect subtle substitutes for the more detectable poppy seed look or taste.

Additionally, toasted sesame seeds are often found pre-packaged at most grocery stores, so picking some up to replace poppy seeds doesn’t have to be difficult.

Sesame seeds can be great when poppy seeds aren’t available.

Flax Seeds

substitute for poppy seeds

Flax seeds are an amazingly versatile and affordable ingredient that are a great substitution for poppy seeds.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these tiny golden nuggets add a delicious nutty flavor and crunch to dishes that otherwise would have poppy seeds. 

Additionally, flax also contains lignans which are plant compounds with antioxidant properties so you can get an extra health boost from their addition to your diet. 

Plus, with their tiny size, they mix wonderfully in everything from smoothies and cereals to salads and baked goods.

Hemp Seeds

substitute for poppy seeds

Hemp seeds are an excellent substitute for poppy seeds when cooking delicious dishes!

Packed with protein, iron, calcium, and zinc, hemp seeds are a great way to add some additional nutrition to your meal.

In addition to being incredibly healthy, hemp seeds have a nutty taste that will enhance the flavor of whatever dish you choose.

Whether baking something sweet or adding them as an extra layer of flavor to a savory dinner, hemp seeds make a great option.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are an excellent poppy seed substitute when it comes to cooking.

These little seeds are filled with antioxidants and offer a higher concentration of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids than poppy seeds.

Not only do chia seeds give you extra nutrition, but they also add a wonderful crunch and textural contrast to dishes.

They’re perfect for sprinkling over bread before baking, adding to salads as a topping, or stirring into oatmeal. 

Related: Best Substitute for Orange Extract

Nigella Seeds

substitues for nigella seeds

Nigella seeds, from the flowering plant (Nigella Sativa) native to Southwest and Central Asia, are a great substitute for poppy seeds because they have a similar flavor but contain fewer calories, less sodium, and more beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Nigella seeds, often used in Indian cuisine, have a deep smoky taste that can enhance salads, soups, and sauces.

They are a good source of healthy fats, iron, calcium, and zinc.

In addition to providing culinary goodness, nigella seeds may even provide health benefits like reducing inflammation and promoting digestion.

So whether you’re looking to change up your cooking or want to increase the health benefits of your meals, replacing poppy seeds with nigella is an excellent choice.

And if you need to replace Nutella seeds in a recipe, read more here:

Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds are a great substitute for poppy seeds due to their similar color, shape, and size.

They provide a milder flavor than poppy seeds and can be found in the spice section of most grocery stores.

Additionally, due to their smaller size compared to poppy seeds, they cook faster and consequently release their flavors more quickly, making them great additions to both entrees and sides.

Mustard seed has become increasingly popular among experienced cooks as it is easier to use than poppy seeds and provides various recipes with an additional depth of flavor.

For that reason, mustard seeds make an excellent substitution for poppy seeds in any recipe.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds, a nutty alternative to poppy seeds, make an excellent addition to a wide variety of dishes due to their crunchy texture and subtle flavor.

For salad lovers, substitute poppy seeds with sunflower seeds for an interesting addition – providing crunch and delicious nuttiness that pairs perfectly with lettuce and other fresh ingredients.

Bakers recognize the incredible flavor these non-poppy seeds add to baked goods, ranging from chewy granola bars to crunchy oat cookies. 

Finally, those who enjoy creating flavorful sauces or dressings can easily incorporate sunflower seeds into their creations – imparting mild nuttiness that is both distinctive and delicious. 

Sunflower seeds may not be as well-known as their poppy seed counterparts – but they provide a unique flavor profile worth exploring in the kitchen!

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Summary of Best Substitute for Poppy Seeds

These are just some of the most popular substitutes for poppy seeds – so get creative and explore other options. By using different alternatives, you’ll be able to create unique sweet and savory dishes that look as good as they taste.


What is the best substitute for poppy seeds in cake?

Sunflower seeds are a great substitute for poppy seeds in cakes. They provide a mild nutty flavor and crunchy texture that works well with various cake recipes.

What is the best way to store poppy seed substitutes?

Poppy seed substitutes should always be stored in airtight containers away from heat, light, and moisture. It’s also important to keep them away from strong-smelling foods, as this can affect the flavor of the seeds. For maximum shelf life, store them in a cool and dry place.

7 Best Substitutes for Poppy Seeds for that Nutty and Crunchy Experience

Markus Kampl
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • Sesame Seeds
  • Flax Seeds
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Nigella Seeds
  • Mustard Seeds
  • Sunflower Seeds


  • Decide on the type of substitute for poppy seeds you need based on texture and flavor.
  • Pick the best fit from the above list
  • Add to the recipe in the proportions required to match the flavor and texture of the poppy seeds
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