Exploring The Versatility of The Kiritsuke Knife

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Are you intrigued by the world of Japanese knives and looking for a versatile option to add to your collection? Look no further than the Kiritsuke knife, a multi-purpose tool that is both beautiful and functional. Combining the features of several traditional Japanese knives, the Kiritsuke knife is a true symbol of craftsmanship and precision cutting. This blog post will discover the rich history, variations, and art of choosing and maintaining the perfect Kiritsuke knife for your culinary needs.

Key Takeaways

  • The Kiritsuke Knife is a renowned Japanese culinary staple, combining the features of a Western chef’s knife and traditional Japanese Yanagiba.
  • When selecting your ideal Kiritsuke knife, consider factors such as blade length, handle type, and steel choice to ensure it meets your needs.
  • Regular sharpening with water whetstones and proper cleaning & storage techniques are essential for optimal performance of this versatile tool.

Related: Exploring Japanese Knives: Types, Benefits, and More

The Kiritsuke Knife: A Japanese Culinary Staple

Traditional Japanese knives are acclaimed for their quality and precision, with the Kiritsuke knife being particularly notable for its versatility and distinctive design. Traditionally reserved for executive chefs in Japan, the Kiritsuke knife is a sophisticated tool used for tasks such as slicing raw fish, chopping vegetables, and executing precise slicing. 

The blade of a Kiritsuke knife is usually constructed from a pliable steel outer shell, which encases a hard and durable high-carbon steel core, resulting in a sharp edge. The knife also features a distinctive, slightly concave blade on the reverse side, granting it a non-stick property, allowing exceedingly thin slices without sticking to the blade.

Constructed from burned-in and friction-fitted wood, typically chestnut, the Kiritsuke knife handle also boasts a pointed tip. The knife has a shape that is similar to that of a sword. Its features include an extended flat blade, a straight edge, and a pointed ‘reverse tanto’ or ‘clip point” tip. The blade grind of a Kiritsuke knife typically features two variations of angles: single bevel and double bevel, making it suitable for slicing vegetables and fish. The heel section of the Kiritsuke knife is virtually flat, making it ideal for the push-cutting technique.

Given its ability to execute various tasks with precise cutting and ease, the Kiritsuke knife is understandably a preferred choice among professional chefs.

The Meaning of Kiritsuke

“Kiritsuke”, which translates to “slit open”, aptly describes the knife’s adaptability in preparing various Japanese dishes.

With its high versatility and capacity for various tasks, the versatile knife, often compared to a chef’s knife, is an invaluable asset in any kitchen. The Kiritsuke knife excels at slicing, dicing, and chopping.

Traditional Japanese Knife Making

The traditional Japanese knife-making process involves forging high-carbon steel, or Hagane, to produce durable, sharp blades. There are two distinct methods of crafting Kiritsuke knives: Honyaki and Kasumi. Honyaki knives are handmade using a Japanese blacksmithing technique known as Hagane – which is only of high-carbon steel. These knives are a traditional craft in Japan.

Kasumi knives are crafted differently than other types of blades. They combine soft iron (jigane) and high-carbon steel (hagane) to form a single piece, called a laminated blade. The choice between 

Honyaki and Kasumi knives depend on personal preference and the desired qualities of the material. Honyaki knives are known for their exceptional sharpness and edge retention, while Kasumi knives offer a more affordable option with excellent performance.

Regardless of the method, traditional Japanese knife-making is a testament to the dedication and skill of the craftsmen who create these beautiful and functional tools.

Related: The Top Kitchen Knives of 2024: Expert Reviewed and Tested

Kiritsuke Knife Variations

Kiritsuke knives come in two main variations: Kiritsuke Yanagiba and Kiritsuke Gyuto. Each variation offers distinct features and capabilities, allowing you to choose the perfect knife based on your specific needs and preferences.

Understanding the differences between these two variations will help you make an informed decision when selecting your ideal Kiritsuke knife.

Kiritsuke Yanagiba (Kensaki Yanagiba)

The Kiritsuke Yanagiba, also known as Kensaki Yanagiba, is a narrower variation of the Yanagiba knife, specifically designed for slicing fish, including raw fish. It features a single-edged blade that combines the capabilities of a Western chef’s knife and a traditional Japanese Yanagiba, making it suitable for a range of tasks, such as slicing raw fish and chopping vegetables.

The unique design of the Kiritsuke Yanagiba makes it a popular choice among professional chefs and home cooks alike.

Kiritsuke Gyuto (Double Bevel Kiritsuke or K-tip Gyuto)

The Kiritsuke Gyuto is a double-bevel variant of the Gyuto knife, featuring a less curved blade suitable for push-cutting or tap-chopping. This versatile tool is capable of performing a range of tasks, including:

  • Slicing
  • Dicing
  • Chopping
  • Mincing

The Kiritsuke Gyuto is an excellent choice for those who want a multi-purpose knife with the unique features of a Kiritsuke blade and the functionality of a Gyuto knife.

Choosing Your Ideal Kiritsuke Knife

Selecting the perfect Kiritsuke knife requires considering factors like blade length, handle type, and steel choice to match your needs. Evaluating these factors can guide you to a knife that satisfies your requirements and adds enjoyment to your culinary experience.

Blade Length Considerations

The ideal blade length for your Kiritsuke knife will largely depend on your specific needs and preferences. A taller blade height can provide knuckle clearance and be beneficial for food preparation, while a longer blade is generally better for tasks that require longer strokes, such as slicing and carving.

Ultimately, the selection of blade length is contingent upon the tasks you intend to use the knife for and your personal preferences. Understanding various blade lengths can help you make an informed decision.

Handle Types: Western vs. Wa-Handles

Kiritsuke knives feature two distinct handle types: the traditional Japanese ‘Wa-Handle’ or a Western-style handle. The primary distinctions between Western and Wa-Handles include:

  • Weight
  • Balance
  • Construction
  • Replacement

Wa-Handles are lighter than Western handles, more blade-heavy or balance forward, have proportionally less metal, and are easier to replace.

In contrast, Western handles have a full tang and rivets and are more balanced. The Wa-Handle shapes most commonly seen are the D-shape, oval, and octagonal, often featuring an angled tip. These three styles are used in various types of designs, with some users preferring a pinch grip for added control.

The choice between Western and Wa-Handles will depend on your personal preference and comfort when using the knife. It is important to select a comfortable handle style that provides a secure grip for improved control when using the knife.

Steel Choices: Carbon vs. Stainless Steel

When selecting a Kiritsuke knife, it is important to consider the type of steel used in its blade, as this will influence the knife’s performance, durability, and maintenance requirements.

Carbon steel offers superior edge retention and ease of sharpening, while stainless steel provides increased corrosion and rust resistance. The choice between carbon steel and stainless steel will depend on your intended application and the desired material qualities.

Related: 13 Best Japanese Cookbooks to Master Japanese Cuisine

Kiritsuke Knife Care and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep your Kiritsuke knife in top condition and ensure its longevity. Regular sharpening and cleaning and proper storage will help preserve the knife’s sharpness, prevent rust and corrosion, and protect your investment for years to come.

Sharpening Your Kiritsuke Knife

To maintain the sharpness of your Kiritsuke knife, it is recommended to sharpen it using water whetstones, following the bevel from tip to heel. Regular sharpening with water whetstones will help keep your knife performing at its best and extend its lifespan.

The frequency of sharpening will depend on how often the knife is used, but it is generally advised to sharpen your Kiritsuke knife every few months or when the blade begins to lose its sharpness.

Cleaning and Storage

To clean your Kiritsuke knife, follow these steps:

  1. Hand wash it with soap and warm water.
  2. Dry it thoroughly to avoid corrosion.
  3. Avoid putting your Kiritsuke knife in the dishwasher, as this can potentially cause damage to the blade.

For storage, a knife block or a knife roll is recommended to protect the blade and maintain its sharpness. Storing your Kiritsuke knife properly will help ensure its longevity and optimal performance.

Traditional Japanese blacksmiths make popular Kiritsuke knife brands in cities like Sakai, Seki, and Echizen. Commonly associated with Kiritsuke knives are brands such as:

These brands are renowned for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship, making them an excellent choice for professional chefs and home cooks.

Consider purchasing from reputable retailers to guarantee the product’s authenticity and quality when buying your Kiritsuke knife. Amazon is a reliable retailer that offers convenience, customer service, and a comprehensive return policy. By purchasing from trusted sources, you can be confident in the quality and performance of your Kiritsuke knife.

Renowned Japanese Blacksmiths

Renowned Japanese blacksmiths have helped shape the world of Kiritsuke knives, with names such as:

  • Goro Nyudo Masamune
  • Sengo Muramasa
  • Amakuni Yasutsuna
  • Tsukasa Hinoura
  • Yoshindo Yoshihara

These blacksmiths are masters of their craft known for their dedication to traditional Japanese knife-making techniques and the use of high-quality materials. Their work has resulted in some of the finest Kiritsuke knives available today.

Kiritsuke knives are renowned for their cutting-edge sharpness and durability, making them ideal for

Buying Your Kiritsuke Knife

Before acquiring your Kiritsuke knife, conduct thorough research into its characteristics, history, and uses to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and preferences. Visiting a Japanese knife shop in your local area can also be beneficial, as it allows you to test the Kiritsuke knife and get a feel for its features and performance.

Once you have gathered all the necessary information, make your purchase from a reputable retailer like Amazon, considering factors such as blade length, handle type, and steel choice.

Comparing Kiritsuke Knives to Other Japanese Knives

While Kiritsuke knives are incredibly versatile, they may not be able to perform every task as efficiently as other specialized Japanese knives, such as the Gyuto or Yanagiba. As a multi-purpose knife, the Kiritsuke knife compromises on some abilities to provide a wider range of uses, making it an excellent addition to any kitchen for its unique features and capabilities.

It’s crucial to understand that the Kiritsuke knife doesn’t replace other Japanese knives but rather complements your collection effectively. Depending on your specific needs and preferences, you may still want to invest in a Gyuto or Yanagiba knife for their specialized performance.

Adding a Kiritsuke knife to your collection allows you to enjoy its unique features and versatility while benefiting from the capabilities of other specialized Japanese knives.


In summary, the Kiritsuke knife is a versatile and multi-purpose Japanese knife that combines the features of several traditional Japanese knives into a powerful tool. From its unique design and craftsmanship to the various blade variations and considerations when choosing the perfect knife, the Kiritsuke knife is an exceptional addition to any kitchen. Proper care and maintenance and purchasing from reputable brands and retailers will ensure you can enjoy the benefits of your Kiritsuke knife for years to come.

Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook looking to expand your collection of Japanese knives, the Kiritsuke knife offers unique features and versatility that make it an invaluable tool in the kitchen. With its impressive capabilities and rich history, it’s no wonder the Kiritsuke knife has become a symbol of Japanese culinary excellence and a must-have tool for those passionate about cooking.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Kiritsuke knife used for?

The Kiritsuke knife is a Japanese-style slicing knife traditionally used by executive chefs for thinly slicing fish, vegetables, and fruit. It is considered a status symbol in the kitchen due to its difficulty in use.

Why is Kiritsuke difficult to use?

Kiritsuke knives have a greater blade height and bulk, making them more sticky with food and harder to use effectively. Furthermore, their lack of curve makes a smooth slicing motion difficult.

Is a Kiritsuke knife good?

Kiritsuke knives are lighter, thinner, and have sharper edges than Western knives, making them good for precision work. However, Western knives are better for tough cuts and are less prone to damage.

Is Kiritsuke an all-purpose knife?

Kiritsuke is a versatile knife designed as a hybrid between two Japanese knives for multi-purpose use.

What is the meaning of Kiritsuke?

Kiritsuke is a Japanese knife known for its versatility in preparing different dishes, its name translating to “slit open”.

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