17 Fruits That Start with W

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When it comes to fruits that start with W, there are many options, from the water apple fruit, white aspen fruit, and wax gourd fruit to the tart and tangy wild water lemon.

So, grab a wood apple, sit back and enjoy this list of fruits that start with W.

Table of Contents

Watermelon Fruit

solid green peel

Watermelon fruit is one of the most refreshing fruits around. It’s 92% water, which explains its name, and it’s often enjoyed on a hot summer day.

What many people don’t know, however, is that watermelon is also a nutritional powerhouse. This large fruit is packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to heart health. Watermelon is also a good source of potassium, which can help to regulate blood pressure.

Watermelon fruit can be eaten fresh or used in recipes like smoothies, salads, and cocktails.

Recipe ideas for Watermelon Fruit

Watermelon Salsa

Simply chop up some watermelon, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro, and mix them together with lime juice and salt to taste. Serve with tortilla chips or on top of grilled chicken or fish.

Watermelon Sorbet:

Simply puree watermelon in a food processor or blender, then freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Serve garnished with fresh mint leaves.

Winter Melon

Winter melon is a wax gourd fruit grown on a vine and not a fruit tree and ash gourd
Also known as a wax gourd and ash gourd

Winter melon, wax gourd, or ash gourd is a type of melon that is typically harvested in the autumn or winter months. As its name suggests, it has a thick, hard rind that helps to protect the flesh from cold weather.

The meat of winter melon is usually white or pale green and has a sweet, slightly musky flavor. Winter melons are typically used in soups and stews, as their thick rinds make them difficult to eat raw.

Related: Unique Fruits that Start with U

Wolfberry Fruit

Fruits beginning with letter w

The Wolfberry fruit, also known as Goji berry, is a popular herb in traditional Chinese medicine. The red berries treat various ailments, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Though the name Wolfberry fruit is not well-known in the Western world, it is gaining popularity as an alternative treatment for various health conditions. Some studies have shown that goji berries can help to improve vision and cognitive function.

Wineberry Fruit


The wineberry fruit looks like a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. The taste is also similar, but with a hint of tartness that sets it apart from its cousins. Wineberries are often used in baked foods but can also be eaten fresh.

Wineberry fruit grow on vine-like plants and are usually found in the wild rather than in cultivated gardens. In the United States, they are most commonly found in the southeastern states.

White Sapote

White Sapote fruits beginning with w

The white sapote, also known as Mexican apple, is a fruit native to Mexico and Central America. The fruit tree can reach up to 30 feet, and the fruits can weigh up to 3 pounds each. The fruit’s skin is thin and delicate, and the flesh is white or pale yellow.

The flavor of the edible fruit has been described as similar to a combination of lemon, coconut, and pear. With a slightly creamy texture, white sapotes are not only delicious but they are also packed with nutrients.

White Aspen Fruit

white aspen fruit tree fruits starting with w
White Aspen Tree

Next on our list of fruits that start with W, the white aspen is a fruit native to Queensland, Australia. The white aspen fruit is white and spherical, with a thin skin and a large seed in the center. White aspens are generally about the size of a tennis ball, though they can vary slightly in size.

The white aspen fruit has a sweet taste, similar to a pear or apple. White aspen fruits are often used in pies and other desserts. In addition to being eaten fresh, the fruit can also be made into a delicious dried fruit. Dried white aspen powder is sometimes used as a natural sweetener or flavor enhancer.

White Mulberry Fruit

white mulberry fruit are delicious eaten raw
White mulberry fruits

Next on our list of of fruits starting with w, the white mulberry fruit is not only has a delicious taste but it’s also said to have many health benefits. Native to China, the white mulberry tree has been grown in the United States since the 17th century and used in Chinese Medicine for centuries.

White Currants

can also have a mild taste and a sour taste

White currants may not be as popular as their red and black cousins, but that doesn’t make them any less delicious. These tart berries are perfect for adding a bit of zing to a raisin jam and their delicate flavor is a welcome addition to summery salads.

This letter W fruit is also a good source of vitamin C, so they’re perfect for boosting your immune system during winter.

Wax Apple Fruit

letter w wax apple fruit  java apple fruit  water apple fruit  water apple bell fruit wax jambu
Wax apple, Java apple, Semarang rose apple, and water apple are delicious bell-shaped fruit

The wax apple fruit, also known as the java apple or wax jambu, is a tropical fruit that resembles a small apple. The skin is smooth and glossy, and the flesh is white or pale pink.

Wax apples are often used in desserts and salads, and their sweetness pairs well with spicy dishes. The fruit is native to Southeast Asia, but it can now be found in many tropical countries. In some regions, the wax apple is also known as the rose apple due to its delicate flavor.

Whether you call it a wax jambu, wax apple fruit, rose apple, Semarang rose apple or water apple this bell shaped fruit is sure to add a touch of sweetness to your next meal.

Walnut Fruit

fruit that starts with w
Walnut fruit walnuts

Ah, the walnut fruit. It can be eaten on its own as a tasty snack, used as a key ingredient in pies and cakes, or even turned into a delicious spread.

But what exactly is a walnut fruit? Technically, it’s a drupe, which means it has a hard shell and a fleshy covering. Inside the shell is the walnut fruit kernel, where all the goodness is. Walnut fruit is an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.

Williams Pear

Letter W pear fruit tree and European pear fruits that start with w

Though often overshadowed by its cousin, the Granny Smith apple, the Williams pear is a fruit that deserves attention in its own right. Often called the ” Bartlett” or ” Williams Bon Chretien” pear, the Williams is distinguished by its round shape and yellow-green skin.

When ripe, the flesh of a Bartlett pear is incredibly juicy and sweet, making it a popular choice for eating out of hand. However, the Williams is also well-suited for cooking, as it holds its shape well when baked or stewed.

West Indian Cherry

looks similar to a Pigeonberry fruit that starts with w

Also known as acerola cherry, this cherry is a tropical fruit native to the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America. The delicious fruits are oval in shape and have red or yellow flesh.

They are often used in baked goods. The fruit tree grows to 30 feet and has glossy green leaves. The flowers are white and have five petals. The fruit ripens in late summer or early fall.

Winter Squash

fruits that begin with w

Winter squash is the best type of squash. I know that’s a controversial opinion, but I stand by it. Winter squash has a tougher skin that can withstand colder temperatures, so it’s perfect for roasting or baking.

It also has a richer flavor than other types of squash, making it the ideal addition to soups and stews. And when it comes to nutrition, winter squash is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

And who doesn’t love a butternut squash soup in winter?

Wampee Fruit

Wampee fruit tree
Wampee fruit tree

The Wampee fruit, to me anyway, has the best name for fruits beginning with the letter W. It’s small and spherical, with an almost golden yellow skin that encases white flesh. The flesh is firm and crisp, with a slightly sour flavor.

The Wampee is native to Southeast Asia, where it’s prized for its unique taste and nutritional value.

Wood Apple Fruit

Wood apple fruit not unripe wood apples
Wood apple aka bael fruit Photo Flikr, Hafiz Issadeen, CC Some Rights Reserved

The wood apple fruit is difficult to describe, but it is often compared to a cross between a fig and a head of cabbage. The fruit is encased in a hard, woody shell, and it has a sweet-tart flavor with honey notes that are reminiscent of citrus fruits.

Wild W-Fruits that Start with W

Wild Lowbush Blueberry

The delicious letter w

Wild lowbush blueberries are a delicious and nutritious treat in many parts of the world. These berries are small and round, with a deep blue color. They have a sweet taste, with just a hint of tartness.

Wild lowbush blueberries are a good source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. The berries can be eaten fresh or used in pies, jams, and other baked goods.

Wild Sugar Apple Fruit

Custard apple  fruit tree fruits that begin with w

The wild sugar apple fruit , also know as wild custard apple, unlike other fruits on this list, is a fruit that most people have never heard of. Native to Central and South America, this peculiar fruit resembles a cross between a pineapple and a cantaloupe.

The fruit’s flesh is white and sweet, with a texture similar to that of a pear. Wild sugar apples are often used in desserts, as their sweetness pairs well with other flavors. However, they can also be eaten on their own or added to salads for a unique twist.

Wild Orange fruit

The last of the fruits that start with W, the wild orange fruit is native to Australia. They are small citrus fruit that has thin skin and juicy flesh. The wild orange is very popular in Australia and is often used in recipes for jams, jellies, and marmalades.

The wild orange fruit is also a popular flavor for ice cream and sorbet. In addition to being eaten raw, wild oranges are also used to make juice and essential oil.

Summary of Fruits that start with W

I hope you enjoyed the list of edible fruits that start with W. If so, you may enjoy reading about:

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks for reading!

FAQ for Fruits that start with W

Is Melon a Wax Gourd Fruit?

Melons are part of the cucurbit family, which includes squash, pumpkin, and zucchini. Like other gourds, such as the wax gourd fruit, they have a hard outer shell and a hollow interior.

Water Apple Fruit vs Wax Apple Fruit – What’s the Difference?

The wax apple fruit, or java apple, goes with the scientific name Syzygiumsamarangense. On the other hand, the water apple fruit, rose apple or watery rose apple, has the scientific name Syzygium aqueum.

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